The Ledges of Hidden Hills

"Property does not have rights, only people do...." Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart

Broadly stated, this web site is intended to create historical context within which to explore the events that resulted in the filing of a lawsuit in which every property owner was obliged to be a party. It will document an assault on the most fundamental right from which all other liberties flow - the right to property - by a so-called private government.

What occurred in the Ledges subdivision, while clearly distinguishable, is strikingly similar to the taking of private property by eminent domain. In this instance, the homeowners association attempted to amend the Covenants converting private property to common area and granting their agents total discretion to impose unlimited mandatory assessments with the authority to file a lien on our homes.

This analysis will present evidence, classify it, consider motives and test reality. The resulting process will be organized in such a way as to be either a quick study or digested as a documented expose by viewing the documents behind the highlighted links.

This site is dedicated to the memory of William B. Bill Clore

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